Choosing the right supervisor for your PhD program

A key factor for your success

For the GHU, choosing the most suitable professor to supervise your PhD/DBA program is always a critical decision. It is indisputable that there must always be a good “chemistry” between both student and supervisor for a successful outcome.

 Thomas Angerer • Vice Rector Doctoral Program

When selecting the ideal supervisor for your research, the GHU takes many practical considerations into account, because we know that this decision will have a significant impact on your PhD experience.

Here are a few examples:

Is the professor an active, engaged, and respected researcher?

The GHU will of course make sure that your supervisor is an expert in his/her field of research. We have a careful and lengthy screening process in place during which biographies, publications, and accomplishments (e.g., conferences, professional associations, etc.) are carefully analyzed and scrutinized.

What is his/her “supervision approach”?

When selecting professors, we will always make sure that their approach is aligned with your specific profile and expectations. You and your supervisor will meet face to face, or via skype, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly and this developing relationship must of course evolve into a positive working association that will encourage enthusiasm, frank communication, and a lot of hard work.

The GHU very well knows that if you do not get along with your supervisor, you will have a difficult time.

How will your supervisor help you?

The GHU wants to make sure that you get the most out of your PhD program and we want to guarantee that the supervisor we select is able to assist and support you in all your academic pursuits. Your supervisor must always be available and proactive, i.e. he/she must assist and help you throughout your doctoral program, ensuring compliance with all GHU guidelines and regulations, including the policies and procedures regarding supervision and examination.

You will be working with your supervisor for a minimum 3 - 4 years. Even in the best of times, there will be disagreements and issues, but the objective of the GHU is to ensure that your PhD journey will be an unforgettable and exceptional experience!

Floris van Haren

- Dean Recruiting -

Floris van Haren is an expert in the field.

Choosing the right supervisor for your PhD program
Floris van Haren 10 de octubre de 2020
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